Case Study

Community Brands – Debtors Integration Sage 50 + GetPaid

Community Brands Logo

What they needed our help with

Community Brands UK is a group of market-leading education technology brands trusted by over 24,000 schools in the UK. Their US based parent company invested in GetPaid a Global Accounts Receivable Platform to strengthen the business cash position by establishing tighter credit control. To make this solution viable for the UK business, CBUK would need to make daily uploads of sales receipts, sales invoices and account balance data related to thousands of transactions across 10 separate Sage 50 Accounts companies. The complexity and scale of the data involved meant that it was not feasible to process this data manually each day.

How we helped

Hyperext used our experience of integrating 3rd party software platforms using our Sage 50 Accounts API to develop a bespoke middleware solution that seamlessly extracts thousands of transactions from across the array of Sage 50 datasets and processes the data to normalise and validate it before converting it to the required format for upload to the GetPaid system.

The results we achieved

The entire software solution was designed, developed, tested and implemented in 8 weeks to meet the US deadline. As a result of the overall credit management solution, CBUK average debtor days have reduced by 29 days, delivering a massive boost to the business free cash.

Across the CBUK group of businesses, average debt has been reduced by almost £1 million.